wtorek, 8 maja 2012


Have I not written a long time I was very busy. Even closer to the end of my course. Only months away from getting my title as "personal fitness trainer." I study diligently at night.
work in three shifts:
Morning to afternoon - works in a shop
In the afternoonI run or swim (I'm training for the 10k mini-marathon to be held on 4June)
At night I'm learning

I get it to a Reebok school and passed 
As I finish school I will be able to teach kettle bell class ;)
 But the best news is then i loose 2kg so now now I am weighing 68kg.

have only 4 weeks to mini marathon and today I was running 5k in 32minutes .. wow ;) On Thursday i will run for 6 or 7 km and next week 8km . 

my today score on trade mill