sobota, 9 czerwca 2012

67 and mini marathon ;)

As the title implies I weigh 67 kg which means that are just 7kg to go!!!
Last Monday I was on a mini marathon in Dublin. 10km through the streets of Dublin, and ran with me, more than 40,000 women :)Have run through 10 km in 55 min and 33s wooooo!!!!In 7 kmI feel then I have no power to go but I pushed myself forward and speed up on the final straight. Memorable feeling is at the finish, it is a wonderful thing.
all informations you can find on web....

The last month I was at the gym only 3-4 times, but it was running and rode the bike on the open air .... I was eating normally including fast food and sweets. It was a shock for my body and thanks to this I started to lose weight again;)
Well it is important to  shock your body!!!