poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2014

Summer body is earned in winter

Its cold outside , you wearing lot of clothing , big jacket , has , glows etc. and you think why should I do anything at this time on the year , no one can see my body now cos is covered .
Winter is a perfect time for running or cycling or even cross fit training outside .
Benefits of running outside :
- Its harder to be sweat 
- Its build your mental and physical Toughness   
- Burn more calories 

 However you have to remember to :
- Warm up yourself at home 
- Day is shorter then summer time so when you running outside make sure u are visible for cars .
- When temperatures is below zero do not running to intense and to long .
- Dress up your in layers .  Wear hats , gloves and scarf . 
- Take care of your feet , wear "smart" socks and look after your shoes after every running ( dry them and clean them ) 
- When you back home have good stretching 
- After every running when you back home , take of all you clothes  including underwear  , take warm shower and wear dry , warm clothes  . Have some warm tea with honey and eat proper meal ( after workout meal ) 
- Drink water as much as you drink in summer time , even you not feel the need for this . Sun is the same like in summer time , and is very easy to dehydrate ourselves .
 For cyclist Is  basically  the same rules but you also have to look after your bike . Make sure you have winter tires and maintain your bike after every ride you have . Give him a good clean , dry up and lubricate mechanic parts . 

My today work out was 5k walk and 6k running + arm/ shoulders and abs training .

My weakly plan :

Christmas is nearly there so for everyone who plan to have food and drink festive  better do some extra workout . For those who don't like to workout outside in low temperature , I recommended Gym , pool & sauna or home workout .