niedziela, 11 stycznia 2015

Women ! Do not be afraid of lifting weights !

Surely you know this "picture" when you enter the gym- weights machines and heavy weights zone is full of men and cardio machines are used by women . Many woman think they gonna by huge after lifting weights but the only thinks make u huge is eating junk food .
Females have less testosterone than men that's make women harder to make muscles but we store fat more easily than men. That's why strength Training is very good for women .Exercise with weights your building a muscles but that doesn't mean that they gonna look like bodybuilder . You gonna have nice shape , will toned up you body and you gonna be much muscles you have your metabolism is faster . Why is that? More muscles mass need more energy and this make more calories burned. To prevent  to much muscles grow should use smaller weights but more rep. People who doing cardiovascular  and strength training at the same time , burning only fat but do not burning muscles.
Cardiovascular training does not shape our body on his own thats why we need do some lifts for example if u have narrow shoulders and wide hips u can working on u upper body to make less different .
What to chose- Machines or free weights ? Dos not matter what you choose as long you do a correct technique.If you not sure about anything ask fitness trainer .Most of women choose machines because is easier ....well machines is perfect for start you adventure with strength training.
Weight machines have several benefits:

  • Faster workouts
  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Easy to use
  • Useful when recovering from an injury
However free weight training have good few benefits like:
  • Increased use of stabilizing muscles
  • Similarity with everyday activities
  • Improved balance
  • Increased use of brainpower
  • Convenient and inexpensive

Free weights training is much better for shape and toned up your body because involved 100% of
your muscles .

Once you start doing strength training you can see that you weight is the same but your clothing are getting bigger... so better use measurement instead weigh yourself . Muscles equivalent weight as fat occupy around 18% less space .

How to start?
The best think to do is to meet  your personal fitness trainer . Should start with circuit training. Circuit training gives you exercise for each part of you body in one training.You can do this training  2-3 times per week . This training is usually around 1h long . Remember about warm-up . after circuit training is recommended to do 30 minutes of cardiovascular training like running , cycling or swimming . After some time do some  Thematic training like one day do "leg and butt" another day "arm back and shoulders " . Choose 5-6 different exercise for selected muscles and do 2-3 sets and 12-15 rep ( depends on your fitness level ) And remember Muscles does not like monotony , thats why you have to change you workout from time to time.

 I hope I tells you everything you need to now about straight training ;)