środa, 25 marca 2015

How I prevent the yo-yo effect

Bay Bay yo yo !!!

There some fine and easy rules to do this :

1. Add some spices to your life ;)

Spicy food speeds up the metabolism. Intense flavour sends to the brain stronger and faster signal of satiety.

2. Magic Apple

Eat one apple 15-20 minutes before main meal . This gonna decrease consumption of calories in main meal in about 15%. One apple have from 4-5g of fibre so its 1/5 of daily need .

3. Slow down a bit :)

Eat slowly . Your brain receives the signal of satiety after 15 minutes from the first bite .

4. Set aside fake sugar

The newest research says that sweeteners are contributing factors to obesity.

5. The super grain

I talking about Chia grains . This grains absorbs water and swell to during digestion.... add them to your yogurt , smoothie , muesli , salads , porridge and many others.

6. Eat good fats

Nuts , oil olive or avocado for example .

7.  Have smart snack
Row veg , plain popcorn , crispy bread instead of sweets and crisps

8. Smaller portion but more often .
9. "Eat" more vitamin D .... what you need is walk in the sun for 15 minutes . The best thing you can do is to exercise outside.

I stick to this rules and is going very well for me :)  It maybe be hard to start with all this rules at the same time but you can try ad one or two every week and see how is going to work . After all its going to be new routine.

I been down good few pound since last post . I'm now 59 kg an only 16,5 % fat mass .... so happy ;)