poniedziałek, 18 maja 2015

Healthy Shoping for 6 days diners ....and more :)

Monday : Lemon Chicken with beans and quinoa (For  Two portions ) 

1. Put 1 glass of quinoa in to saucepan  , pour with 6 glass of water . Bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes. Keep 1 glass of quinoa for Wednesday diner .
2. 2 chicken section along half and spray them with juice of whole lemon, use some sisal on top and two small spoon of cumin .
3. Fry chicken portions on 2 spoon of oil olive . 4. Fry 1/2 red onion , two cloves of garlic , season with a little bit of  sea salt and cayenne pepper. 
4. Add 1/2 of can of red kidney beans . Add 1 and 1/2 glass of quinoa and 1/4 chopped  fresh parsley.
5. Decorate with two chopped radish . 

                                           Tuesday: Chicken and spinach salad 

1. Boil chicken breast .  
2. Cut chicken breast into pieces and put on wholemeal tortilla wrap .
3. Use slice of 1/2 avocado , handful of spinach , A little bit of read onion , about 5 slice of cucumber , two radish . Use a 2 spoon of ready humus for the base .
4. Roll the wrap and enjoy ;)

Wednesday : Chicken salad with Quinoa 

1. Mix 3 spoon of oil olive with balsamic vinegar and one spoon of natural greek yogurt 
2. Mix one glass of quinoa and 1/2 of red kidney beans can.
3. Add 4 glass of spinach, small pieces  of /2 red onion and pieces of one chicken breast. 
4. Mix all ingredients with dressing and add a hint of salt and pepper 
5. On the top of the salat put cubes of small avocado. 

Thursday : spaghetti with chicken ball

1. Cook 0,5 kg chicken balls on the oven for about 30-35 minutes and 180 C . 
2. Boli water in pot , add 250g of spaghetti brown pasta and boil for 8-19 minutes. Filtration the water .
3. Put into deep frypan 0,50kg of asparagus and two spoon of water and boil for 3-5 minutes.
4. Add to pasta juice from 1/2 lemon , spoon of olive oil , 2 cloves of garlic and 1/2 small spoon of sea salt . 
5. Put pasta into frypan and mix everything add chicken balls and 100g of cherry tomatoes. Add some sea salt and pepper.

Friday: fish and cuscus 

1. Bake one salmon fillet with 50g of cherry tomatoes, juice from 1/2 of lemon and Brazil herbs. 
2. Boil water with 1/4 small spoon of sea salt. Add one glass of cuscus and cover this with lid for 5-7 min. 
3. Boil 250g of asparagus. 

Saturday: Summer salad with salmon. 

1. Chopped 1/2 of iceberg lettuce, 1/2 avocado , couple radish , 50g of cucumber , 50g of red kidney bean . Mix all together . Add some salt , pepper and a spoon of olive oil. 
2. Bake pice of salmon with a bit of salt and pepper and lemon juice for about 30min.

17 necessary products: 
* Olive oil
* Balsamic Oil
* Sea salt
* Black pepper 
* Oregano
* Cayenne pepper 
* Sweet pepper 
* Provencial herb 
* Garlic
* White and red onions 
* Home made stock 
* Tomato paste 
* Dijon Mustard 
* Wholegrain pasta 
* Long grain rice 
* Soya sauce 
* Wholegrain flour