niedziela, 24 listopada 2013

Back from Holliday

I ben drinking beers and eat junk food from time to time on my Holliday ...I'm not proud of myself but I have healthy breakfast each day and I walking a lot . I back to my routine today ...I filled my fridge  with all healthy product. I have good start  ;) Recently I ben working on diet and exercise plan for myself .
I want seriously tone up my body and loose as much fat as possible .
My Plan :

                    Training Days                                 Non training Days 

Protein         35% (150g)                                    35% ( 150g )

Fat               35% (66g)                                      45% ( 85g )

Carbs          30% (127g)                                     20% (85g )

You need 2g of protein for each of Your kg of body mass.
For example I need 130g ( 65kg x 2g = 130 )
But If You wanna increase muscles mass and fat loosing  You need increase eating protein . I ben working on calculations right now to customise my diet plan .

My work out plan is going to be little different because , I'm going to train for triathlon . I 'm gonna let Everyone know How I get on this whole plan :)

niedziela, 3 listopada 2013

My 30 day challenge

I don everything what I plan for last week so I think I'm ready for 30 days challenge . I wanna have a 6pack ( at least a 4 pack hahaha) .My plan is to increasing strengh work out up to 6 days/week and cardio 5days /week . Thats not everything  , like u all know work out is only 30% of success . 70 % is nutrition plan so ....Its going to be some changes.... I need to eat more lean , less bad carbs more good one , more veg and fruit ,and less sugar . You have to think ahead , so I have to plan my work out week and my grocery shopping .

Shopping list :

  •  500g of red grapes 
  • 1 kg of green apple 
  • 1kg of pears 
  • 6 vine tomatos 
  • mix of frozen veg ( have to be in u freezer all the time just for in case ) 
  • 4 chicken breast 
  • 2 * 200g of fresh Salmon 
  • 12 free range eggs 
  • spelt bread or low GI bread 
  • lettuce 
  • onion 
  • cucumber 
  • orange juice 
  • 1kg of carrot 
  • kale 
  • celery 
  • lemons 
  • Natural yogurt 
  • low fat cheese 
  • soya butter 
  • oil olive ( extra virgin ) 
This product is always in my fridge . I also have my protein powder ... so it increase my protein each day ( chocolate flavour )

My today work out : 

  • Worm out : 10 squads and jump , 10 minutes of kick boxing , 20 jump and jack .

  • 80 squats with 20kg barbell , all legs mussels exercise on machines . 
  •  Leg stretching 
  • Running for 8.2 km 
My legs are burning but this feeling is amazing  :) I have to recommended Endomondo app for smartphones . Its awesome , Its tells You ech kilometres You don and times u make .

So this is my plan for coming  week ;)  I gonna let u now how its going . Try to updating  my blog everyday :) 

*But the way , my pumpkin pie project was success . Was yummy but a bit too sweet ;)