środa, 8 stycznia 2014

Isotonic drink

I ben thinking a lot about this " magic liquid " and I don some research . The results You can se in my  tab about health . I realised  how many people don't know about hydrating process and how important it is to know . I learn some interesting things by reading and I sharing them with you ;)
Whats new about me ...hmmmm ..... I'm BACK ON TRACK after Christmas . Have plan done and goals set up . Its gonna be busy year ;)
I was very good today .  I both some fish , chicken fillets , eggs and lots of veg and fruits .
Back home from work I make lovely fruit salad :
250g of melon, 150g of orange and 100g of blueberries .
And for my diner i have yummy chicken salad

150g of chicken breast, baby lettuce , tomato ,red kidney bean
and sweetcorn

This is a couple good options for a healthy meal ;)
ok ...I have got to go work out now ....to the next one ! 

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