sobota, 1 września 2012

65.9 kg

Success!!!I Weigh now  65, 9 kg ... I passed the course, so from now on I'm Personal Fitness Trainer !!! WOOOOP WOOOOOP!!!!!
I still miss the lifeguard course :( Waiting for the term, at the moment I'm learning and practicing on my husband and his friend;) They both want to lose weight and develop muscle mass ..will be fun;)

sobota, 9 czerwca 2012

67 and mini marathon ;)

As the title implies I weigh 67 kg which means that are just 7kg to go!!!
Last Monday I was on a mini marathon in Dublin. 10km through the streets of Dublin, and ran with me, more than 40,000 women :)Have run through 10 km in 55 min and 33s wooooo!!!!In 7 kmI feel then I have no power to go but I pushed myself forward and speed up on the final straight. Memorable feeling is at the finish, it is a wonderful thing.
all informations you can find on web....

The last month I was at the gym only 3-4 times, but it was running and rode the bike on the open air .... I was eating normally including fast food and sweets. It was a shock for my body and thanks to this I started to lose weight again;)
Well it is important to  shock your body!!!

wtorek, 8 maja 2012


Have I not written a long time I was very busy. Even closer to the end of my course. Only months away from getting my title as "personal fitness trainer." I study diligently at night.
work in three shifts:
Morning to afternoon - works in a shop
In the afternoonI run or swim (I'm training for the 10k mini-marathon to be held on 4June)
At night I'm learning

I get it to a Reebok school and passed 
As I finish school I will be able to teach kettle bell class ;)
 But the best news is then i loose 2kg so now now I am weighing 68kg.

have only 4 weeks to mini marathon and today I was running 5k in 32minutes .. wow ;) On Thursday i will run for 6 or 7 km and next week 8km . 

my today score on trade mill 

poniedziałek, 9 kwietnia 2012

Hello !!

Hope you do not eaten too many chocolate eggs and other sweets , becouse I,m only eat one kinder suprise ;)I bought a whole bunch of fresh vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, parsley, onions, tomatoes, etc., and salmonToday I baked salmon with herbs and a kg of carrots, and 1 kg of broccoli , and 5 kg of parsley... drizzled with olive and herbs olivek ...... DELICIOUS!

From now on I will do it really often, at least every second day because this amount is enough for while . I really recommend it. Tomorrow I will take these vegetables to work and so I'll have a tasty and healthy lunch ;)
so this is a good tip for keep healthy in work and after work because is great idea for good diner or snack durring watching TV ...definitely better than crisps or candy....

...... so all of you could look so healthy and fresh as this vegetables!

In my getting better ... I still only get rid of the belly and carve it nicely.

środa, 28 marca 2012

From Sundayis a beautiful weather every day. Riding on bike every day, walking andeven running around today and visited a sauna.Eat, eat lots of protein and all the time trying to move!! I feel great!

My lunch
this was my breakfast 

I try do not think about losing weight but having fun now with my new helthly and fit  live!!!!

wtorek, 20 marca 2012

Eat It or leave it ???

I know answer for this question!!
                     LEAVE IT!!!!!!!
Every time you want to reach for some junk food -Think twice!!!
Is it worth it?  I do not think so ... 
                                                                                                   I chose my way to be a slim, healthy and full of energy!!!!!!!! 
so : 
1. Eat clean

2. Exercise every day ( just 30 minutes of cardio-vascular )
3. Move it as often as you can :Walk, Ride a bike, swim, climb or Train at home. Remember - Every movement is good!
4. Drink plenty of water, green tea and other herbal teas (2-3 liters/day)

This is not a diet - is a way of life ... Remember, it's not food has control over you ,  it's  You have control over  what you eating.You're the boss!

So who wants to start today with me to eat clean, avoid carbohydrates and exercise everyday!?
I start protein diet where  is allowed only food: lean dairy products, lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Each day will start with a protein shake orscrambled eggs with egg whites. I will give you information on protein dishes soon.

As for the exercises are:
7 days a week: 30 minutes - 1 hour of exercise in home (body rock!) Push-ups,crunches, jumping jacks, etc.
4 times a week 30 - 1 hour cardio for example: swimming, running or Zumba Fitness
1 time a week aqua aerobics, spin class and kettle bell class !

Protein and fiber

My diet consists of 50% protein at this time. These proteins are głuwnie poultry, fish,dairy products and lean red meat and protein supplements. I try to put into your diet as much fiber as possible. 25 g of fiber per day is needed to speed up the metabolism, 
and thus speed up the process of losing weight .It is recommended to consume between 20 -40 grams of fiber a day.

23 best fiber Food

Everything is going better and better, try to eat less sweets, drink more water and every time I 'm going to eat something I'm to think twice if it enough or maybe can get stuck in my hips ;) 

poniedziałek, 12 marca 2012

Hill walk

Yesterday was a beautiful day and my husband and I have used it to the maximum!My husband did not know until the end of what it will be a trip..It's not even half way when he begged me to return home ;) I feel sore for sure...I burned 2500 calories.
Spinc and Glenealo Valley (White Route)
Grade: Hillwalk

Distance: 9km

Time: 3hr 30 mins

Climb: 380 m