sobota, 25 lutego 2012

The balance of the week

I am proud of myself ,And I hope that next week will be better...

I will see how much I weighing on Sunday ;)

poniedziałek, 20 lutego 2012

so far so good!

Hip:        97cm
Waist:     82cm  > 2 cm less  than last week
Bust:       100cm
Thigh:     60cm
Calf:        39cm
Biceps:    27cm
Body Fat: 25,3% >2% less than last week
H20:        53,6%
Muscles:  54,1%

Weight: 69,8 kg
I was on gym and pool on sunday and I use sauna. Today I just went for Aqua aerobic for 45min ... was great ! Then I used the sauna for 30 minutes..I already feel lighter!!!
I'm tired, there are 10pm , I have to finish and rest a bit in front of TV ;)

I attach my latest picture below

sobota, 18 lutego 2012

I'm BACK!!!

I'm very sorry for the long one absence but my computer was in the service. My weight has not changed, cause just finished my period and just before it I was pained my chest and I could not run :( But I start from tomorrow ;)))

From 13 February I limited the carbohydrates for up to two servings a day , where one serving is for example half a cup muesli or a little brown roll ( max 50g) I already feel lighter, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, I draw a lot of protein from lean meat and dairy products but allow myself little something  sweet from time to time in the limit of 1400 calories per day.