poniedziałek, 20 lutego 2012

so far so good!

Hip:        97cm
Waist:     82cm  > 2 cm less  than last week
Bust:       100cm
Thigh:     60cm
Calf:        39cm
Biceps:    27cm
Body Fat: 25,3% >2% less than last week
H20:        53,6%
Muscles:  54,1%

Weight: 69,8 kg
I was on gym and pool on sunday and I use sauna. Today I just went for Aqua aerobic for 45min ... was great ! Then I used the sauna for 30 minutes..I already feel lighter!!!
I'm tired, there are 10pm , I have to finish and rest a bit in front of TV ;)

I attach my latest picture below

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