czwartek, 24 kwietnia 2014

My own Everest

Everyone have them own " Everest " to achieve ... everything I do , all my running , workouts etc its pushing me to achieve bigger and bigger Mountains . When I'm running or cycling ( or any others activities ) I'm challenge only myself ....I wanna be better than I was yesterday . Its make me happy when I can run faster , cycling longer , when my body do thinks they wasn't able to do yesterday .... I think Everyone have them own mountain to climb , even is only start walking afternoon instead seating on the sofa and watching tv . You strong enough to do something with Your life , and You can do this . You don't know How strong You are till You not try. Never say I can't !!!!! When I started with running , I was walking first , then I run for 2, 3 minutes and I was tried ....back this time I was never thinking then I can ever run for 10 km ...looked me now .... I'm personal Fitness Trainer , I running , cycling swimming etc.  Believe Yourself !

This is how I did so far in this month :)
This is my results so far ....This Is all screen shoot from Endomondo app .
I'm really busy lately , I try to find a time for blog , I'm sorry I wasn't posting for long time . I'm going for Holliday next week - Eurotrip so I will post when I bad and tell You's all about ;)

New think in my Kitchen

środa, 2 kwietnia 2014


A month passed since I measured myself and today is 6cm less in my waistline and 1kg less woooop wooooop! This make my day ;)
My training for today :

  • 12 km on stationary bike 
  • 400m crawl swimming style
  • sauna- 15minutes 
Consumed calories : 1595 

Why Cycling?

Recently I cycling more often ... Cycling is healthy - You gonna be more Fit , Happy and You will have more energy . So lets jump on Your bike and go!!!!

For Beginners :
20-30 minutes , three times per week . Thats all You need To have better shape , lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure . I recommend interval training :
  • Warm up- slow cycling for 1,5 km 
  • 30s -slow pace , next 20s , moderate intensity and last 10s as fast as You can . 
  • Repeat this for at least 15 minutes 

wtorek, 1 kwietnia 2014

After 30 days of tone up my body :)

I was very busy lately , running , cycling , home work out , street work out and start diet with Herbalife product .Tomorrow I will weigh myself and measure as well .  I can see improvement ;)
For last 3 weeks I ben drinking Herbalife Formua 1 sport cocktail , one each day . From last thursday I'm drinking cocktail two times a day .One drink is only 220 calories , because this I save a lot of calories join the day but still have a balanced meals .
This week work out : 
Sunday- car cleaning with friends :)
Monday - HIT work out 35min
Tuesday-6k run and 15 minutes street workout

Wednesday - Gym and pool
Thursday - 35 minutes HIT workout or running
Friday - Rest
Saturday -HIT