wtorek, 1 kwietnia 2014

After 30 days of tone up my body :)

I was very busy lately , running , cycling , home work out , street work out and start diet with Herbalife product .Tomorrow I will weigh myself and measure as well .  I can see improvement ;)
For last 3 weeks I ben drinking Herbalife Formua 1 sport cocktail , one each day . From last thursday I'm drinking cocktail two times a day .One drink is only 220 calories , because this I save a lot of calories join the day but still have a balanced meals .
This week work out : 
Sunday- car cleaning with friends :)
Monday - HIT work out 35min
Tuesday-6k run and 15 minutes street workout

Wednesday - Gym and pool
Thursday - 35 minutes HIT workout or running
Friday - Rest
Saturday -HIT

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