środa, 28 marca 2012

From Sundayis a beautiful weather every day. Riding on bike every day, walking andeven running around today and visited a sauna.Eat, eat lots of protein and all the time trying to move!! I feel great!

My lunch
this was my breakfast 

I try do not think about losing weight but having fun now with my new helthly and fit  live!!!!

wtorek, 20 marca 2012

Eat It or leave it ???

I know answer for this question!!
                     LEAVE IT!!!!!!!
Every time you want to reach for some junk food -Think twice!!!
Is it worth it?  I do not think so ... 
                                                                                                   I chose my way to be a slim, healthy and full of energy!!!!!!!! 
so : 
1. Eat clean

2. Exercise every day ( just 30 minutes of cardio-vascular )
3. Move it as often as you can :Walk, Ride a bike, swim, climb or Train at home. Remember - Every movement is good!
4. Drink plenty of water, green tea and other herbal teas (2-3 liters/day)

This is not a diet - is a way of life ... Remember, it's not food has control over you ,  it's  You have control over  what you eating.You're the boss!

So who wants to start today with me to eat clean, avoid carbohydrates and exercise everyday!?
I start protein diet where  is allowed only food: lean dairy products, lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Each day will start with a protein shake orscrambled eggs with egg whites. I will give you information on protein dishes soon.

As for the exercises are:
7 days a week: 30 minutes - 1 hour of exercise in home (body rock!) Push-ups,crunches, jumping jacks, etc.
4 times a week 30 - 1 hour cardio for example: swimming, running or Zumba Fitness
1 time a week aqua aerobics, spin class and kettle bell class !

Protein and fiber

My diet consists of 50% protein at this time. These proteins are głuwnie poultry, fish,dairy products and lean red meat and protein supplements. I try to put into your diet as much fiber as possible. 25 g of fiber per day is needed to speed up the metabolism, 
and thus speed up the process of losing weight .It is recommended to consume between 20 -40 grams of fiber a day.

23 best fiber Food

Everything is going better and better, try to eat less sweets, drink more water and every time I 'm going to eat something I'm to think twice if it enough or maybe can get stuck in my hips ;) 

poniedziałek, 12 marca 2012

Hill walk

Yesterday was a beautiful day and my husband and I have used it to the maximum!My husband did not know until the end of what it will be a trip..It's not even half way when he begged me to return home ;) I feel sore for sure...I burned 2500 calories.
Spinc and Glenealo Valley (White Route)
Grade: Hillwalk

Distance: 9km

Time: 3hr 30 mins

Climb: 380 m

niedziela, 11 marca 2012

How do I deal during PMS ?

Today is my second day of  PMS ... since yesterday I ben eating  painkillers, drink hot chocolate and eats chocolate bars ..... but today I danced a little and I was on a bicycle  :)

photo shoot -  on a bicycle...by my Husband Adam ;)

środa, 7 marca 2012

third week .. so far !

I feel that my body is more firm and muscular. ...even almost every day I go sore after a workout, I still feel great!
This is my on gym just after run over 7k ...my plan for saturday is run for 8k :)

I also swim for 15min today ..I'm tired!

I'm doing well, drop kilograms and centimeters. Now I train four times a week. 2-3 times a week I run,3-4 days a week swimming and use sauna. On the other days I practice at home with a hula hoop or walking and exercising abdominal muscles.Once a week I'm doing aqua areobik and when I find time I go to Zumba class.

Magic ball
Talking about apple.This fruit is so popular and full-fledgedone.One piece provides up to 3 grams of fiber and antioxidants improve toxyn removal from the body.Try once in a while to do the "apple days" and eat one every few hours.