poniedziałek, 28 października 2013

Planing ahead ;)

Planing Ahead , this is something I doing all the time and this really help me to stick to work out programme ....so I make my plan today for next 5 day ;)

....and I will do my best to stick to it ! Yeah work out is something I love to do ;)
Many people have a question ...

Before hmmm ....I eat good healthy meal with lots of protein and some carbs for example: 2 boiled eggs , 2 brown tots of bread , tomato , lettuce and onion salad or any differed veg ; muesli and yogurt + banana ....I eat this one hour before my training in the gym than After I have snack for example : banana or apple or protein bar ...than I go swimming and in conclusion I go to sauna . After all I usually drink a protein drink. Back home I have nice large healthy meal like Chicken, veg and brown rice .
 Rules Before Work out :

  • Eat at least Hour before work out
  • Eat healthy , with lots of protein
  • low sugar 
  • If possible do not drink Coffee
Rules After Exercise :
  • Eat Good Protein like Protein shake or bar , this will help make some muscle 
  • Up to one Hour after training You can eat any think a specially carbs because its burn everything faster .
  • Relax and now You can drink coffee 
I hope I give You some helpful information  :)

.......and repeat ;)

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