sobota, 31 sierpnia 2013

Jogging , Rowing and healthy snack

Have my day off today and sleep long , have good breakfast and went for jogging ....I can live without

  running ....I hope my knee last forever ;) Recently I have problem with colic during running and this is because of the neglect of exercise the abdominal muscles. 

To run efficiently, without colic needs to ensure a strong abdominal muscles that will maintain your internal organs.
So my evening routine going to be a ABS workout ;)
One more think I need to share with you ...I have new equipment for my home Gym - Rowing  machine :) Is grate when you want watch film and exercise at the same time ...I'm so happy ;) 
 After lunch I was still hungry and dying for something sweet so I make nice healthy snack ...

Muesli with yoghurt and grapes 
  • 150g of Organic natural yoghurt
  • 40g of very rich muesli 
  • About 10 grapes ( seedless )

środa, 28 sierpnia 2013

My business plan ;)

I wanna start from telling u about My business ( to everyone from my area ) ...I start my own business  from end of september ....I  will have a web site but till now I will using my blog . I plan to open my business account on Face book as soon is possible ....I'm so excited!!!! 

Now .....about yoga you my know every session of yoga have to be start with deep meditation ...when you do it You have to think only about you breathing sound easy but is not ......Is so hard ...some thoughts just came out ...I could not think of not possible is but I need more experience. I also  thought that I was sufficiently stretched but I was wrong ...but this is a good challenge for me , for my body and soul and I gonna continue yoga session how many times in week I possible can!!!
so far this is to hard to me to do it ....but i hope........ some day I can

do THIS ;)))

piątek, 23 sierpnia 2013

I started the adventure with yoga

I read an article about yoga and I and going to start from today. A few years ago, I practiced yoga for a while and I felt relaxed, more sexy and more confident.
They say the yoga is 200% feminine . There are many types of yoga but all the types have a positive effect on a woman's body. One of the best type of yoga for very active people is POWER YOGA  or BOXING YOGA.Most popular is HATHA YOGA or HORMONAL YOGA... this last one is the best cure for PMS, infertility treatment, acne, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Yoga is for everyone ... for old , young , fat or skinny one. It would be best to start at the yoga club but I gonna do it with the books , cd's and apps on my sooo many benefits of Yoga for exp.:

  • Reduces the risk of developing diseases of civilisation such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • It protects against bone decalcification
  • Reduces stress level 
  • Improves mood
Yoga is not only stretching the body in different asanas but also meditation. A very important part of yoga is the breathing which can take a half of daily program. 15 min of deep relaxation can replaced 2 hours of sleep. 

I gonna get my mat , set up relaxation music and start  now see u soon ;)

czwartek, 15 sierpnia 2013

Caution - Labels!

Recently I've noticed that we are often deceived by junk food Product Company. They use clever wording on labels for example "vegetable chips" (where 50% of is potato chips) , full fat milk cocktail is called " smoothies"or they call "fruit water "  for  sugared drink. Being on a diet is often suggested product names rather than their real composition.That's why always study the labels of what you buy!!You'll save yourself a lot of unnecessary calories ;)

The next thing is Low Fat or Low Sugar Product . It is usually so that when the a product is Low Fat is as well full of sugar and vice versa.
More about this subject you can read on this pages below :
Low fat and low sugar
Truth about low fat and low sugar product