piątek, 23 sierpnia 2013

I started the adventure with yoga

I read an article about yoga and I and going to start from today. A few years ago, I practiced yoga for a while and I felt relaxed, more sexy and more confident.
They say the yoga is 200% feminine . There are many types of yoga but all the types have a positive effect on a woman's body. One of the best type of yoga for very active people is POWER YOGA  or BOXING YOGA.Most popular is HATHA YOGA or HORMONAL YOGA... this last one is the best cure for PMS, infertility treatment, acne, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Yoga is for everyone ... for old , young , fat or skinny one. It would be best to start at the yoga club but I gonna do it with the books , cd's and apps on my phone.is sooo many benefits of Yoga for exp.:

  • Reduces the risk of developing diseases of civilisation such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • It protects against bone decalcification
  • Reduces stress level 
  • Improves mood
Yoga is not only stretching the body in different asanas but also meditation. A very important part of yoga is the breathing which can take a half of daily program. 15 min of deep relaxation can replaced 2 hours of sleep. 

I gonna get my mat , set up relaxation music and start  now see u soon ;)

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