środa, 25 stycznia 2012

Day 2

Rules of the first two weeks of detox:
1.Daily drainage massage-improves blood circulation of body fluids - blood and lymph circulation, helps remove excess water from tissues.
2.Drink a minimum of two liters of water!
3. Eat as many vegetables and fruits or juices made from them.
My meals: 

breakfast: sweet roll with butter and 100g of cottage cheese.

Second breakfast: One slice of pizza home made.

Lunch :whiting fish ( about 200g ) fry on one spoon of olive oil ,two small potatoes ( about 50g ) and salad with red cabbage.

dinner: Slice of pizza and salad with red cabbage and glass of buttermilk.

After Breakfast I went for gym and pool :

These exercises are great for love handles!!! 

I stretched a little bit ...drove a kilometer on dry kayak and go for run !

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