środa, 25 stycznia 2012

super figure and firm body in 56 days-Start Now!!!

super figure and firm body in 56 days - My Plan to perfection...

DAY 1.

Perfection ... hmmm ...is not just about losing weight...but to change your life for the better, especially healthier!

I't is my day off so I ben sleep well and after waking up I drank water with honey and lemon to cleanse the body...then I eat whole wheat pancakes with blueberries.
Recipe:( for two portions )
combine 1 / 2 cup wholemeal flour and 1 / 4 regular and 1 / 2 tablespoons sugar,1 / 3 teaspoon baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix a small banana with 1 / 4 cup milk, egg and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Add mixture to flour and blend.Fry in a teaspoon of olive oil and press in the middle of each pancake a few berries. Eat with a spoon of honey.Enjoy!

Some time after breakfast I went jogging

This pictures are from my App that I have in iPhone

When back home I ate second breakfast:yogurt with berries and carrot juice mnnniam!
and for lunch I eat an excellent salmon salad....with 150g of salmon and mix Lettuce and vegetables
Cooked all day today. I did pizza and sweet rolls for guests for tonight...I also eat a a small piece of pizza and pastry (baked it with brown flour) ;)My husband and me went for a half hour walk soon after eating and when we back home I practiced the hula hop for 15 min..... so cool!!I drank lots of water and herbal teas - 2,5l ;).........so Is ben good day ...good and healthy!

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