czwartek, 5 stycznia 2012

New start!

If u always say to yourself : "I'm start diet from tomorrow " so the best moment is January especially from first of january . I'm starting today because I was sick before . I'm very proud of myself I  ben running  for 25 minutes, practiced on the step for 10 minutes and lifted weights, exercising the arms. I was swimming 15 minutes and I join sauna for 30 minutes. I feel so goooooood!! I bought hula hoops and practiced 15 minutes yesterday....and this is not everything ;) I'm also started A6W three days ago and I can  feel all the muscles of my belly! As is well known that the more muscle less fat! If you do not know what it is A6W check out the link below.

I'm going to exercise ... good luck with your dieting and exercising!

....we have only six months till summer ;)

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