piątek, 20 grudnia 2013


NO Excuses  ....I know is Christmas weak but  You do not have to go to Gym , The Gym No 1. is Your own Body. I always found some time to workout in my own  living room.
I was exercises for 40 min this evening after work . I guarantee  than next day after this work out You will feel every part of Your body ;)

My Work out :

  • 8 burpees

  • Plank 2 times for 10 second 

  • 8 Squat with leg lift on each side

  • 20 Twist arms from hip to shoulder with dumbbell on each side

  • 60 Squats with dumbbells 
  • 5 Pull ups

  •  8 Push ups with ketllebell 

  • 10 plain push ups
  • 10 women push ups 
  • 36 Legs lift in dog position on each leg

  • 20 hip lift 

  • 20 One leg hip lift on each leg 

  • 130 crunches  on different part of core 
  • 20 leg lift on each side

  •  Leg and arm Stretching  

My Christmas decoration ;)

                                           STAY LEAN 

wtorek, 3 grudnia 2013

Winter morning run

It was one of the beautiful cold winter morning , sun was only rising .... was only me and wind . The best thinks in the world is to watching awaking  mother nature . 

I ben doing grate seens last week ( monday ) Doing good workout every day and eat clean:
  • monday : 800m swim and 15 min in sauna + 40 min walk
  • Tuesday: 30 min working with the dumbbells , crunches , pull ups etc.
  • Wednesday: 5k run , 10min cycling ,dumbbells lifting , cycling 1 hour walk .
  • Thursday : 30 min walk( 8h standing work )
  • Friday: 1h walk 
  • Saturday : 10 km run 
  • Sunday: 1h walk ( 8h standing work )
  • Monday: 5k run , 20 min step machine , 20 min indoor cycling 
  • Tuesday: 30min walk + crunches , pull ups and push ups .

Chicken and veg salad
rocket , tuna and cherry tomato salad

veg and cheese salad and two eggs

niedziela, 24 listopada 2013

Back from Holliday

I ben drinking beers and eat junk food from time to time on my Holliday ...I'm not proud of myself but I have healthy breakfast each day and I walking a lot . I back to my routine today ...I filled my fridge  with all healthy product. ....so I have good start  ;) Recently I ben working on diet and exercise plan for myself .
I want seriously tone up my body and loose as much fat as possible .
My Plan :

                    Training Days                                 Non training Days 

Protein         35% (150g)                                    35% ( 150g )

Fat               35% (66g)                                      45% ( 85g )

Carbs          30% (127g)                                     20% (85g )

You need 2g of protein for each of Your kg of body mass.
For example I need 130g ( 65kg x 2g = 130 )
But If You wanna increase muscles mass and fat loosing  You need increase eating protein . I ben working on calculations right now to customise my diet plan .

My work out plan is going to be little different because , I'm going to train for triathlon . I 'm gonna let Everyone know How I get on this whole plan :)

niedziela, 3 listopada 2013

My 30 day challenge

I don everything what I plan for last week so I think I'm ready for 30 days challenge . I wanna have a 6pack ( at least a 4 pack hahaha) .My plan is to increasing strengh work out up to 6 days/week and cardio 5days /week . Thats not everything  , like u all know work out is only 30% of success . 70 % is nutrition plan so ....Its going to be some changes.... I need to eat more lean , less bad carbs more good one , more veg and fruit ,and less sugar . You have to think ahead , so I have to plan my work out week and my grocery shopping .

Shopping list :

  •  500g of red grapes 
  • 1 kg of green apple 
  • 1kg of pears 
  • 6 vine tomatos 
  • mix of frozen veg ( have to be in u freezer all the time just for in case ) 
  • 4 chicken breast 
  • 2 * 200g of fresh Salmon 
  • 12 free range eggs 
  • spelt bread or low GI bread 
  • lettuce 
  • onion 
  • cucumber 
  • orange juice 
  • 1kg of carrot 
  • kale 
  • celery 
  • lemons 
  • Natural yogurt 
  • low fat cheese 
  • soya butter 
  • oil olive ( extra virgin ) 
This product is always in my fridge . I also have my protein powder ... so it increase my protein each day ( chocolate flavour )

My today work out : 

  • Worm out : 10 squads and jump , 10 minutes of kick boxing , 20 jump and jack .

  • 80 squats with 20kg barbell , all legs mussels exercise on machines . 
  •  Leg stretching 
  • Running for 8.2 km 
My legs are burning but this feeling is amazing  :) I have to recommended Endomondo app for smartphones . Its awesome , Its tells You ech kilometres You don and times u make .

So this is my plan for coming  week ;)  I gonna let u now how its going . Try to updating  my blog everyday :) 

*But the way , my pumpkin pie project was success . Was yummy but a bit too sweet ;)

poniedziałek, 28 października 2013

Planing ahead ;)

Planing Ahead , this is something I doing all the time and this really help me to stick to work out programme ....so I make my plan today for next 5 day ;)

....and I will do my best to stick to it ! Yeah work out is something I love to do ;)
Many people have a question ...

Before hmmm ....I eat good healthy meal with lots of protein and some carbs for example: 2 boiled eggs , 2 brown tots of bread , tomato , lettuce and onion salad or any differed veg ; muesli and yogurt + banana ....I eat this one hour before my training in the gym than After I have snack for example : banana or apple or protein bar ...than I go swimming and in conclusion I go to sauna . After all I usually drink a protein drink. Back home I have nice large healthy meal like Chicken, veg and brown rice .
 Rules Before Work out :

  • Eat at least Hour before work out
  • Eat healthy , with lots of protein
  • low sugar 
  • If possible do not drink Coffee
Rules After Exercise :
  • Eat Good Protein like Protein shake or bar , this will help make some muscle 
  • Up to one Hour after training You can eat any think a specially carbs because its burn everything faster .
  • Relax and now You can drink coffee 
I hope I give You some helpful information  :)

.......and repeat ;)

czwartek, 24 października 2013

Healthy snack and lunch

Most of the time we spend at work, at school or on the way. If we do not make our lunch box day before then usually we finish by eating junk food or we starving ourselves and on the way home we buy a chocolate bar or bag of chips .....So I ben thinking a lot about this subject today and I add new tab to my blog where I will be added some ideas for  healthy lunch and snack ;) Feel free to use my suggestions.

 Meanwhile I still work it on my 6pack and I can feel the shape of the mussels but i do not see them yet ;) It is really  long process but is wort it. I just bought year member to Gym and Pool in Bay Hotel . I highly recommend this place . .....so .... I ben increase my training for winter time up to 6 days in week now and really stick to my diet plan so I can se my 6pack by end of march ;)

This is how my abdomen look now .....I gonna updata my photos from time to time so You will see the progress ;)

So...... is gonna be louts of lifting , squats and crunches ;)

czwartek, 17 października 2013


Everyone is motivated by something else ...Some of you like to watch Model Photo to be inspire  , some of you ben inspire by friend....I now one think - Never give up , there is no excuse !!!! Motivation  is everywhere ..I gonna give You some today ....

So u still gonna say : "I have small baby " , I'm to old " ," Is late" or  "Its raining  "...You CAN do this !!!!

wtorek, 15 października 2013


This is this time of the year...PUMPKIN TIME!!!

Most of you are just doing it scary lantern for Halloween and do not even know then pumpkin have a lot of benefits and is low in calories ;) 

  • 100g of pumpkin gives only 32 calories 
  • Contains a lot of carotene
  • Pumpkin fruit should be eaten by people with arteriosclerosis or high blood pressure
  • Can be used in the treatment of constipation, especially in obese individuals
  • Pumpkin is very rich in Vitamins A , B1 , B2 , C , PP and mineral substances such as  phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium
  • It is low in calories and fat free
  • Seeds consist of 30-40% of an oil containing a large amount of phytosterols and unsaturated fatty acids inhibit the deposition of cholesterol deposits in tissues and thus prevent atherosclerosis.
Pumpkin definitely supports weight loss!!!


  • Pumpkin refers to certain cultivars of squash, most commonly those of Cucurbita pepo, that are round, with smooth, slightly ribbed skin and deep yellow to orange coloration. The thick shell contains the seeds and pulp.Wikipedia

  • Nutrition Facts
    Amount Per 1 cup (1" cubes) (116 g)
    Calories 30

  • % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 0.1 g0%
    Saturated fat 0.1 g0%
    Polyunsaturated fat 0 g
    Monounsaturated fat 0 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg0%
    Sodium 1 mg0%
    Potassium 394 mg11%
    Total Carbohydrate 8 g2%
    Dietary fiber 0.6 g2%
    Sugar 3.2 g
    Protein 1.2 g2%
    Vitamin A197%Vitamin C17%
    Vitamin D0%Vitamin B-65%
    Vitamin B-120%Magnesium3%
    *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

  • Think about this  Benefits every time you cut the pumpkin ......And if You looking some recipes.... is Here !
     If any one of you have any good recipes , Please  share with me  ;)

    This pumpkin pie is delicious !!!!  I gonna make this for this Halloween again ;) But You have to share it  with You family or friends ;) 

    poniedziałek, 14 października 2013

    My adventure with juicer :)

    Recently I watch  on  the FB link to Drew. This Men  helps people to lose weight by drinking fruit and vegetable juices.He is doing very well.... He even convinced me  to do one of his green juices ;) I bought all , and  did green juice ....and then I was sooooo scare to drink it ... HAHAHA !!! It was so green haha....but I drank and it turned out it was delicious.

    Ingredients : 4 Green Apples , bunch of Kale , 500g of Spinach and cucumber .

     Link to Juicing with Drew  ... enjoy 

    So ... I ben juicing from time to time and try different recipes  .... I don't know if I can only drink juices but is defo good option for choose juice instead some  meals during the day such as dinner.For a few days I drank the green juice once a day and I felt better, had more energy and my skin looked better. 
    I highly recommend!!!!

    Is highly recommendet  to have good and strong juicer .

    Recently I have more time for exercises so I can do full training 3-4 time per week . My today training :
    • 6 k run/walk (+ 10 min interval including )
    • 50 crunch From ABS II training 
    • 5 times jerking on the bar 
    • 10 push ups + 10 push ups with dumbbells 
    • About 15 min of stretching 

    Is extremely important if you wanna lose more fat , You have to make more muscle mass !!!  Every day  train different part of muscles . Remember - your muscles need to rest at least one day  after a workout! You can perform arm straight training on one day but next day you have to choose different part of body , legs for example .  Straight Training is crucial element to the entire training. The best is when you combine it with cardio-vascular training . You can do cardio-vascular exercise every day !

    Remember - Up to one hour after You have Time to eat some good meal!  I mean some carbohydrates.Every time after my own workout I drank Protein drink and meantime a get ready my proper meal .

    Today it was  prawns in sweet chilli sauce and string-beans .... yummm yummy and so healthy 

    I hope I give You all some good ideas today !

    sobota, 31 sierpnia 2013

    Jogging , Rowing and healthy snack

    Have my day off today and sleep long , have good breakfast and went for jogging ....I can live without

      running ....I hope my knee last forever ;) Recently I have problem with colic during running and this is because of the neglect of exercise the abdominal muscles. 

    To run efficiently, without colic needs to ensure a strong abdominal muscles that will maintain your internal organs.
    So my evening routine going to be a ABS workout ;)
    One more think I need to share with you ...I have new equipment for my home Gym - Rowing  machine :) Is grate when you want watch film and exercise at the same time ...I'm so happy ;) 
     After lunch I was still hungry and dying for something sweet so I make nice healthy snack ...

    Muesli with yoghurt and grapes 
    • 150g of Organic natural yoghurt
    • 40g of very rich muesli 
    • About 10 grapes ( seedless )

    środa, 28 sierpnia 2013

    My business plan ;)

    I wanna start from telling u about My business ( to everyone from my area ) ...I start my own business  from end of september ....I  will have a web site but till now I will using my blog . I plan to open my business account on Face book as soon is possible ....I'm so excited!!!! 

    Now .....about yoga ....as you my know every session of yoga have to be start with deep meditation ...when you do it You have to think only about you breathing .....is sound easy but is not ......Is so hard ...some thoughts just came out ...I could not think of anything....is not possible ....it is but I need more experience. I also  thought that I was sufficiently stretched but I was wrong ...but this is a good challenge for me , for my body and soul and I gonna continue yoga session how many times in week I possible can!!!
    so far this is to hard to me to do it ....but i hope........ some day I can

    do THIS ;)))